I think this water fountain on Pennsylvania Avenue is still broken and in no danger of ever being fixed.
Also, I'm pretty sure that the homeless people use these fountains to wash their underpants. I would not recommend drinking from them.
Someone buy me a macro.
...so I said that no amount of yoga would help. I mean, it was HUGE...or:
...the doctor said that green was not a good sign...::doors close::
ME: So where are you from?I encourage all people of color to do this to anyone deserving. Maybe then they'll see how fucking annoying it is.
WHITEY: Baltimore.
ME: Nooo, I mean - where are you from?
WHITEY: (Confused) Uh...BALTIMORE.
ME: (Slowly, as English must not be Whitey's first language) Where. Were. You. Born?
WHITEY: (Even more confused) Johns Hopkins?
ME: (Exasperated) Where were your parents born? France? Germany? Perhaps Poland? Do they speak English?
WHITEY: I have to go now.