Tuesday, August 29, 2006
SRT #14
During the aformentioned conversation, I was accused of having a hidden mushy side. (I have a hard outer shell with no creamy center. Very unlike a 3 Musketeers Bar.*) Much to my dismay, this is true. I've realized that as I became more open about my musical choices, the more obvious my hidden mushiness became. Honestly, what pure hardass likes Journey?
This theory of music reflecting character can be applied to a variety of situations. Ladies, if your seemingly sensitive boyfriend can't hear enough of "Smack My Bitch Up," something may be a little off. Guys, if your girl has an unhealthy obsession with Melissa Etheridge you're either in for the greatest birthday present ever, or you're getting dumped for the local Birkenstock salesgirl.
My conclusion: before you get serious, take a sneek peek at that iPod.
* While I may never develop the soft creamy center of a 3 Musketeers, I definately have a more nougat-y center, not unlike a Snickers.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
And I Just Can't Hide It
For example, when I was a junior in high school, I went island hopping amongst the Greek Islands. I was super-excited. On the inside. On the outside, I was the picture of nonchalance. A friend of mine was perplexed with my seeming lack of excitement about this trip a few days beforehand. The point is, even though I rarely demonstrate excitement, I do feel it. And I really did feel it for that trip. And for birthdays. And for vacations. And for all those things people usually get excited about.
In the last couple of years, however, I haven't had anything to look forward to. My birthday came and went, and while I did celebrate it, I didn't really care. Christmas: not a big deal to me. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to care. The closest I get to excitement is vaguely looking forward to something, but even then, it comes and goes. I look forward to certain things, like parties, but in all honesty, I could take it or leave it. Shit just doesn't seem to matter to me as much anymore. It kinda makes me sad.
Right now, however, I think I've recaptured that feeling of excitement/anticipation you get when you're really looking forward to something. I'm not gonna say why right now, as it will get around soon enough.
So now you're wondering: if I want to keep the reason for the excitement on the downlow, why even write about it? The fact that I'm truly excited about anything is news enough for me. I didn't get excited over going to college, graduation from said collage, the first job, the second job, getting my driver's license, and all other such events. (Not in this order.) But I am undoubtedly excited about this.
I'm so excited.
SRT¹ #13
Here's the thing. Carrie is super annoying. It didn't really sink in with me while the series was still in production. At that time, I just wanted to know what happened, and the only personalites I really paid any attention to were those of Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte (mostly because they actually had personalities). On rewatching episodes, I found Carrie to be more and more annoying. In a show where the audience sides with the women by default, I found myself on the sides of the men she was dating.
For example, in that episode where she follows Mr. Big and his mother to church to finagle a meeting with the mother, I wanted to shake her horsey head until it popped off. I never understood the desire to meet someone else's parents. It grosses me out. For me, no one's getting introduced to the parents until there's some sort of engagement,² and even then, I'd still put it off as long as possible.
This is just one of many things that made me grow to hate her. Another is that incessant shrieking at everything in life. I assure you, there are more reasons than this for my annoyance with Carrie, but these are the only ones I felt like mentioning.
With this in mind, I ask you people who think they're the Carrie of their circles of friends: why do you want to be the Carrie? Are you a selfish, high-maintenance, shrieking shrew of a narcissist? If not, do you want to be? And if so, why? If you happen to catch the reruns of Sex and the City or have access to the DVDs, take a look at her and contemplate who she is. Don't be that person.
¹ "Super Random Tuesday" was getting too annoying to type in full each week, so it's been redubbed "SRT." Also, I am fully aware that it is now officially Wednesday (at least it is on the east coast), but I haven't been to bed yet, so in all practicality, it's still Tuesday to me. Get over it.
² Also gross. Ugh. Commitment.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
You're Not That Cool
Why do people insist on acting cooler than they really are? There is no real advantage in doing so. In fact, it makes me hate people that do it. I don’t mean hate as in: I hate when the candy store doesn’t have my favorite flavor of Jelly Belly. This is what I mean: I hate with the fire of a thousand suns. If it wouldn’t land my ass in jail, I would personally rip the aorta from of each of these people with my bare hands, and then mock them by turning it into some sort of finger puppet.
First, let’s define the action of acting cooler than you really are. One who does this abides by the following protocols:
- Purposely seeks out what is currently being labeled as “cool,” irregardless of who is setting these standards.
- Attempts to follow these trends in spite of their natural tendencies/limitations
- Achieves this attempt in a manner in which it annoys much of the population.
- Successfully causes such distaste with the “cool” behavior that those who actually enjoy such things are put off from them.
Hopefully, you will soon be able to recognize such behavior in those surrounding you. Unfortunately, I will not teach you how to rip aortas from people’s chest cavities. (You’ll need to do that on your own time.)
For the purpose of the argument against acting super-cool, I am going to focus on people who are over the age of twenty. While this behavior does inspire hatred for those under twenty, the immediate results of such actions are vastly different. For twenty year olds, I’m going to assume that they’ve finished high school, and have either been in the work force or in college for a year or two. This time period should have provided enough life experience to stop acting like a child and be able to at least fake adulthood. In addition to that, you would think that someone at that age would be able to make their own decisions as to what appeals to them, irregardless of who is touting what is to be labeled “cool” or “uncool.” At this age, they really should just know better.
The best way to convey why these people are to be hated is through example, so here's one to get you started:
The Wannabe Urbanite
If you’re from a suburban gated community where each house has at least one BMW/Mercedes Benz/Lexus in the driveway (‘cause the nicer cars are in the garage), don’t act as though you’re from the ghetto. It’s unbecoming on you, and frankly, you can’t pull it off. Here’s what I think happens in your mind:
- “Hey! Look at what they’re wearing on that horrible/mindless/void of intelligent thought show: TRL! Who cares how ridiculous it looks?! I’m going to do the same! Listen to their unnatural use of urban slang! They gotz mad skillz, dawwwg!
- “I’m gonna talk like that no matter how wack I sound! For shizzle my dizzle. Screw my $150,000 educizzle! I’m straight street(izzle).”
Personally, this is what I generally believe people are thinking when they make such poor life decisions. Unfortunately, this internal monologue is only half of the problem. The rest is executed as punishment to the rest of the populace, which is thinking:
- “Look at that chick talking like a fool. Making the rest of us (with $150,000 educations) look like idiots.” OR “Why does she keep quacking? OH! She’s trying to say wack! Dumbass bitch.”
- “That bitch is not wearing the same thing as me. I’m never wearing this outfit again. Who cares that it actually looks good on me and makes her look like a Stomp reject? She’s tainted these clothes forever.
Are you following my logic here? Not only have these girls perverted urban style and culture, they have successfully ruined said practices for others. It is one thing to keep up with the times, it’s quite another to spoil it for everyone else that it actually does work for.
It doesn’t really matter what you’re trying to do when you act cooler than you really are. It all comes down to this: There’s a reason most of us don’t pay attention to you, don’t try to attract it by acting like an asshole. When it comes down to it, you’re a show-off. And nobody likes a show-off.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Super Random Tuesday #12

Hey kids? Remember this crazy contraption? It played “tapes” and could tune into the radio without any extra attachments? Yes, I know that this is before a lot of your times, so you need to understand that many of us in this world never heard of an mp3 until we were 14. Crazy, isn’t it? Here’s another bizarre aspect of this ancient version of the iPod: it uses batteries. None of that rechargeable shit. I know what you’re thinking: How did you live in those days? Those things can only hold like what? 100? 200 songs? I’m sorry to say, kids, that these can only play one tape at a time. So your audio storage was limited by the tapes. (Yes, I know they’re not sticky in any fashion, but that’s what they’re called. Tapes!) Well, how much did each tape hold, you ask. Perhaps 75 songs? Oh, child, no. We were not so lucky. Generally, if you made your own tape (the amazing, the beautiful, the meaningful mixtape), you could record around 90 minutes total. That’s right, kids! A whopping hour and a half of music! Appreciate those 60 Gig iPods! I used to lug around a backpack full of tapes to keep myself happy!*
Remember when these things were the shit? If only they would make a comeback as the new/old hotness. I’d be prepared.
* Coincidentally, I would do so whilst walking barefoot to school across razor blade roads and then through iodine rivers.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Super Random Tuesday #11
Have you noticed a marked decline in the quality of Disney movies? Because I definitely have. Recall the magic of such films as Aladdin and The Little Mermaid. Compare this to the excrement of Hercules and The Lion King ½. It makes my heart sad. It really does. I still know the lyrics to such gems as "A Whole New World," "Hakuna Matata," and "Be Our Guest." Can anyone say the same for "Listen with Your Heart" or "A Girl Worth Fighting For?." Really now, does anyone give a fuck about what happened to Pocahontas according to the warped Disney version? (From what I understand, John Smith was quite the jerk.)
Monday, August 07, 2006
Orange is Not the New Tan

Clearly, the sun is not responsible for this “tan.” It’s not even right to call it a tan, so I’ll start again.
Clearly, the sun is not responsible for this “orange.” Really, only fruit should be anywhere close to this shade. It amuses me because some unknown spector of the universe has enacted some sort of revenge on her. Since she’s too good for a natural looking tan gained from appropriate amounts of exposure to the sun, she is now the actual color of the sun:
CRAZY LADY: I don’t have time to get a real tan, I want a more concentrated form of skin cancer. Bring on the tanning bed!
SUN: Don’t have time for ME!? We’ll see where that gets you:

Remember, there are really only five basic colors of people: black, white, red, yellow, brown. No where is orange on that list. Stop defying nature. It’s not cute.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Miami: Part III
Now for the exciting conclusion of the
- Mixing groups of friends is hard. But if you’re going to attempt it, be the bridge. The BTB didn’t do anything to keep everyone together, so it was natural for the groups to split.
- Keep the lateness to a minimum. A few minutes is fine, three hours is obscene.
- Heels are ridiculous.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Miami: Part II
So we and the BTB arrive on Friday at about 5. The MOH is already at the hotel as she took an earlier flight and the Nazi took advantage of this
Stay tuned for the exciting conlusion to Miami: Attack of the Idiots!
Miami: Part I
As we are in the DC area, we needed to fly down to
¹ He has two kids and just decided to go to college. Normally, I’d applaud this. However, this is why I’m not: He’s attending a school which many people in our neighborhood commute to from home. Instead, he’s dorming and knocking up unsuspecting freshmen with his super-potent